Welcome to SCVB Govt College Library Palampur. Our library is a knowledge-based pool of rich reading material. We have a rich collection of books on the courses offered by the college i.e. under Graduation classes in Arts, Commerce & Science and Post-Graduation in Economics, Hindi, English & Zoology and Professional Courses in BBA, BCA and PGDCA which is being updated on regular intervals. It is our constant enterprise to deliver the best of current knowledge and information. We subscribe to a number of Hindi and English dailies. General magazines and journals also form a valuable part of our collection.
Library, the heart of the Institution, has been striving to accomplish the academic and other objectives of the college. The College Library is reader friendly. Library is providing knowledge and information-based services. It is a sanctum of learning process which aims at making every reader a well-informed citizen. Keeping well in pace with the progressive changes in knowledge base.
We are using SOUL Software version 3.0 for computerization and in-house operations of the library as well as for providing various library services such as Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC and WEBOPAC) Circulation etc. For Library Automation at present we are five computer systems connected through local area network, two multidirectional Symbol Bar Code Scanners, two TVSE single line Bar Code Scanners, two Printers are being used. The library is Radio Frequency Enabled. The College Library is having open access system.
Library is a member of One Nation One Subscription (ONOS) and National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content (N-LIST). These open the doors for the online access to e-resources. Under these the access to e-books, e-journals and other e-documents is online and is available to the members of the library. Library also has computers connected with lan for the use of students and faculty.
Mahesh Sood
Librarian College Cadre
Shashi Kumar
Asstt Librarian
Madhu Bala
Asstt Librarian
Online resources for faculty and students
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Note: Contact for ONOS Membership in the College
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Note: Contact for N-list Membership in the College
National Digital Library
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National digital library of India
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Himachal Pradesh University Syllabus
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Sardar Patel University Mandi
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